Floppy disk clip art from Freeimages.com

Last July, we started purging old interlibrary loan (ILL) requests from John Jay patrons to protect patron privacy. An article in the Guardian (“You are not what you read,” January 13, 2016. https://bit.ly/GradCenterPrivacy) explained why some libraries delete patron records citing the Graduate Center’s work on this. Once again, this year, on June 1, 2023, we will purge old ILL requests that were completed or canceled before July 1, 2022. Please save your request history before June 1st. To do so, log into your ILL account (at jjay-cuny.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html) and copy and paste your requests into an application of your choice. Alternatively, you can email us at libill@jjay.cuny.edu before June 1st to ask for a copy of your ILL request history.

--Karen Okamoto

Floppy disk clip art from Freeimages.com

Floppy disk clip art from Freeimages.com