Request a one-on-one research consultation with a librarian
Librarians at the reference desk are available to assist with all research-related questions when the Library is open. No appointment is necessary: just come up to the desk and ask for assistance. Reference librarians also provide research help live via our chat service.
One-on-one research consultations are intended for more advanced research projects only. Questions about capstone and thesis projects are especially welcome.
If you are working on a capstone or thesis project, you can book a 30-minute consultation appointment with a John Jay librarian. The librarian will provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your research topic or assignment. We can help you to: develop a narrower research question; plan your research strategy; identify relevant sources of information; find and evaluate sources.
More general questions about a topic or research assignment are handled by reference desk librarians. Please note that you can always ask a librarian for help at the reference desk without making an appointment. When available, librarians are also staffing chat during library regular hours.