Larry Sullivan’s article, “Why retribution matters: Progression and not regression,” co-written with Kimberly Collica-Cox, was published in Theory in Action 10(2) in April 2017.
Ellen Belcher co-presented “Barcın Höyük. Archaeological Investigations of a Neolithic Settlement (2007-2015)” at the Symposium and Workshop at the Netherlands Archaeological Institute, Istanbul, Turkey in November 2016. She also gave a presentation titled “Discoverability of Small Things: Historiographies of Prehistoric Mesopotamian Comparanda” at the British Association of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA), Glasgow, Scotland in January 2017. With Karina Croucher, she published “Prehistoric Figurines in Anatolia (Turkey),” chapter 20 (pp. 443–467) in the Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines (ed. T. Insoll, Oxford University Press, 2017).
Ellen Belcher and Tania Colmant-Donabedian prepared and installed a temporary exhibit of materials from the Lloyd George Sealy Papers in conjunction with the “Lloyd George Sealy Panel Discussion,” held on February 28, 2017. A permanent exhibit from these papers can be viewed in the Niederhoffer lounge on the first floor of the Library.
Robin Davis presented “Drupal + Git” at the CUNY IT Conference in December 2016, as part of the “CUNY Libraries and Open Source” panel. She published two “Internet Connection” columns in Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, "The Future of Web Citation Practices" in 35(3) and "APIs and Libraries" in 35(4).
Jeffrey A. Kroessler presented in a session titled “From Sunnyside to Seaside” at the National Convention of the American Institute of Architects. His review of Politics Across the Hudson: The Tappan Zee Megaproject appeared in Planning Perspectives (vol. 32, issue 1).
Ellen Sexton co-authored “The CUNY-Shanghai library faculty exchange program: Participants remember, reflect and reshape” (with Chao, S.-Y. J., Evans, B., Phillips, R., Polger, M.A., Posner, B.) in International Librarianship: Developing Professional, Intercultural, and Educational Leadership, edited by Constantinou, C., Miller, M. & Schlesinger, K. and published by SUNY University Press. She also spoke on a panel, “Sponsorships of Queer (Information) Literacy: Recovering Past to Improve Our Futures,” with Mark McBeth (JJ and GC) and Patrick James (GC) at the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, Savannah, in September 2016.
Read more from the Spring 2017 issue of Classified Information, the Library's newsletter