Join us this spring semester in meeting with John Jay faculty authors as they discuss the books they've published. You'll get to hear about their research process, to ask questions and to be inspired for your own research journeys. All events are during Community Hour (1:40-3pm) in the Library Classroom (2nd floor of library). Space is limited! To register, visit the URL for the individual event below.
February 5: Edward Paulino (History) will discuss The Border of Lights Reader: Bearing Witness to Genocide in the Dominican Republic ~ RSVP: https://paulino.eventbrite.com
February 27: Hyunhee Park (History) will discuss Soju: A Global History ~ RSVP: https://hpark.eventbrite.com
March 6: Gloria Browne-Marshall (Criminal Justice) will discuss She Took Justice: The Black Woman, Law, and Power – 1619 to 1969 ~ RSVP: https://gbrowne-marshall.eventbrite.com
March 18: Maria Julia Rossi (Modern Languages) will discuss Ficciones de emancipación. Los sirvientes literarios de Silvina Ocampo, Elena Garro y Clarice Lispector ~ RSVP: https://mjrossi.eventbrite.com
April 17: Samantha Majic (Political Science and author of Lights, Camera, Feminism? Celebrities and Anti-trafficking Politics) will present “Research Fraud: Tales from a work in progress” ~ RSVP: https://majic.eventbrite.com
May 2: Richard Ocejo (Sociology) will discuss Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City ~ RSVP: https://ocejo.eventbrite.com
Questions? Contact Kathleen Collins kcollins@jjay.cuny.edu