Film studies

*Film collections

Collections of feature films, documentaries and other films licensed for use by the John Jay community. Access to Kanopy, AVON, FIlms On Demand, Docuseek, etc.  

Access level: John Jay

Art Abstracts

Index to articles in leading periodicals in the Arts from 1984 to the present.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials

Communication & Mass Media Complete

Journal articles, encyclopedias and handbooks in the fields of communications and mass media.  For film reviews search by document type. For motion pictures search by subject.

Access level: John Jay

Ethnic Newswatch

Provides access to more than 200 newspapers, magazines and journals from the ethnic, minority and native press. Includes materials in Spanish. To find movie reviews limit the document type to movie review.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch


Collection of movie information. IMDb tries to catalog every pertinent detail about a movie, from who was in it, to who made it, to trivia about it, to filming locations, and even where one can find reviews and fan sites on the web.

Access level: Freely available to the public


A searchable collection of the complete runs (minus the most recent 2 to 5 years) of hundreds of the most significant scholarly journals. To focus on a discipline, select Narrow by Discipline  -- e.g., Film Studies.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

MLA International Bibliography

Index to scholarly journal articles on language and literature and critical analysis of films. Coverage from 1926 to the present (Note: many are not available at John Jay.) 

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch