Fall 2022 Library Services
The Lloyd Sealy Library’s physical space is open to current John Jay and CUNY students, faculty, and staff who comply with CUNY's COVID-19 guidelines
Access to the physical library:
CUNY students, faculty, and staff who are in compliance with CUNY’sCOVID-19 mitigation protocol are able to visit the Library in line with campus access plan.
Visitors (including outside researchers and John Jay College alumni) must follow the campus access protocol. Researchers must inquire about a consultation with the special collections librarian by contacting libspcoll@jjay.cuny.edu.
John Jay College encourages the use of high-quality masks, like N95 or KN-95 masks.
Library hours:
Please refer to the Library's calendar for details.
Available services for students:
- Circulating books and reserves.
- Computer workstations (library computers are not equipped with headphones or microphones).
- Silent study areas.
- Study spaces for students with their own devices.
- Printing and scanning.
- Study rooms for individual or small group use.
- In-person research assistance on the upper level of the library.
- Remote research help through chat, email, and phone.
- In-person or remote advanced research consultations.
- Interlibrary loan (ILL), please refer to our ILL policy
Available services for faculty:
- In-person research assistance on the upper level of the library.
- Remote research help through chat, email, Zoom and phone.
- Reserves.
- In-person or remote advanced research consultations.
- Library instruction.
- Interlibrary loan (ILL), please refer to ILL our policy for details.